Hendra Gunawan (Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan)


The rise of the practice of buying and selling positions, which is a form of crime under the guise of buying and selling which is quite troubling governance structures in various countries including Indonesia. So in this paper the writer wants to investigate the practice of prohibited buying and selling from the standpoint of Islamic criminal law. In this paper the author tries to analyze it from the Qur'an and Sunnah as well as literature written jinayah fiqh. The findings in this paper are that the sale and purchase of positions is a criminal act that is strictly prohibited in Islamic teachings. For more details about the sale and purchase of this position in the discussion in this paper.


Fikih Jinayah, Jual Beli, Jabatan

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24952/yurisprudentia.v5i2.2322


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