Reading Narrative Text of the Students’ MAN Nagasaribu

Ihwal Hidayat (IAIN Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia)


The research goal is to analyze students’ reading narrative text of X MIA-1 at grade X MAN Nagasaribu on Academic Year 2019/2020. This research was mixing method. The qualitative method is in the form of expression sentence while the quantitative method is in the form of table. The data were gained from the informant and students test outcome. Analysis process are in 3 ways; data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. Based on the result of the research, it was known that the students’ ability in reading comprehension of narrative text of MIA-1 at grade X MAN Nagasaribu was categorized into good category with 63 score; it was gotten from the result of students’ means score in doing the test by analysis reading comprehension of narrative text. Then, the hypothesis is “students’ability in reading comprehension on narrative text of MIA-1 at grade X MAN Nagasaribu is good category”. Then  from the result of the hypothesis testing, the researcher found that the hypothesis is rejected. It can be proved from Zcount = -6.22Ztable 0.3264.

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