Tindakan Bullying terhadap Gender di Lingkungan Sekolah

Ajijah Sadiah Nufus (Universitas Muhammadiyah A.R Fachruddin, Indonesia)
Maya Lestari (Universitas Muhammadiyah A.R Fachruddin, Indonesia)


he act of bullying plays a role in self-identity, namely gender, this self-identity consists of male and female. Basically, men and women have their own characteristics of behavior related to acts of intimidation. There are various kinds of bullying, namely bullying through actions, verbal and gadgets. Schools are not spared from an intimidating environment that should create a sense of comfort and safety for students. This study uses a qualitative research case study approach which has three stages, namely data collection, data presentation and data reduction. The fact that the school field is still a place of intimidation or bullying for students and students, educators and students. When a child finds it difficult to do a task and is the last to finish it, they are teased or verbally intimidated, namely "well... it's lousy to collect it late, I'm not smart". When waiting in line to buy food in the canteen where classmate grabs the underclassman's queue by nudging/ elbowing, solid group mates will also intimidate other group mates such as during a ceremony where group mates have to line up close together so that if there are other group members they will be bullied. Where are you friends, don't be here" while mocking, and bullying behavior of educators with students, namely a teacher who should give an example verbally and behavior not bullying, the teacher intimidates students who have tofu flies with a size large enough on the face, mocks by calling "the smudge".


Bullying, School, Gender

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24952/alathfal.v3i2.9655


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