Kamaluddin Kamaluddin* -  Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padangsidimpuan, Indonesia
Implementation of dakwah has some rules that are principle-policy principle that should be applied leh preachers, including messages, methods, and environmental mad'u. It was very humane. Rule prinsiplel missionary include the creation of harmony between softness and firmness, enjoining good and forbidding evil according to the capabilities of the order not to cause greater damage. Similarly, in terms of culture, the need for multicultural missionary principle which can take things from the good old local wisdom and reject new things that are not in accordance with Islam. There is no coercion in preaching, preachers are only required according to the rules of principle, that principles, while the propaganda effect depends on the guidance of Allah Almighty.

Keywords : Kaidah; Dakwah; Fikih

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