Hadira Latiar (*Mahasiswa Pascasarajana Program Studi Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies Konsentrasi Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia)


This article is titled "Preservation of Ancient Manuscripts as an Effort to Preserve Nation Culture". This research is descriptive qualitative. The purpose of this paper is to combine the concept of ancient manuscripts and conservation efforts. More specifically, this paper will describe the concept of the problems and forms of preservation that can be done. Data collected during the study were analyzed using literature study method. The results of the analysis show that preservation of ancient manuscripts is considered very important as an effort to preserve the nation's culture. The preservation effort of the manuscript has two aspects, namely the preservation of the physical text which is consists of conservation and restoration activities. And the preservation of the text The first aspect consists of consists of digitalization activities, cataloging, philology research and codexology.


Preservation; Preservation of Ancient Manuscripts; Ancient Scripts; Manuscripts; Philology; Codexology

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