STANDING ON THE SHOULDERS OF GIANTS: Perspektif Kritis Kepustakawanan Mengenai Plagiarisme Sebagai Penyimpangan Intelektual

Faisal Syarifudin (Dosen UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia)


Examined by Merton's social strain theory, academic plagiarism is a deviant act in which intellectuals are unable to fill norms and can not pursue the path of conformity. The deviance by these intellectuals threaten academic integrity. Librarians as part of the educational process need to look at this issue with a critical perspective: First, building self-awareness as an antiplagiarism agent. Second, integrating sense of plagiarism into the user's education syllabus. Third, becoming partner of teaching staff in antiplagiarism education.


Plagiarism; Deviant Act; Intellectual Deviance; Strain Thoery

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