Nadia Amelia Qurrota A’yunin (Pustakawan Pertama Badan PPSDM Kesehatan, Kemenkes RI, Indonesia)


The article entitled "Bibliotherapy: Alternative Reference Service at Hospital Library" aims to know the understanding and purpose of bibliotherapy, how the stages of bibliotherapy, how the application of bibliotherapy in the Library Hospital. From some sense, can be concluded that bibliotherapy is a therapy performed by someone to another person / group of people by using the book media. Stages in the application of bibliotherapy include: Identifying client needs, motivating, engaging the client in the reading, commenting or listening phases, giving the client time to reflect on the reading material, introduce the activity as a follow up, assist the client to become aware that the problem Can be channeled or searched the way out. Application of bibliotherapy in the Hospital Library can be done in the following way: reader consultation services, individual and group therapy, special activities. Librarians in providing bibliotherapy services require social skills, among others: patience, empathy for others, sincere, has a soothing soft character, can communicate well. It is time Library Hospital in Indonesia to provide innovative services for pemustakanya, one of which is inpatient at the Hospital. One such alternative service is to provide Bibliotherapy services. Because one of the functions of the library is to provide guidance services to the user, and by doing Bibliotherapy services, librarians can provide guidance to the user through therapy to the user with the book media.


Innovation; Reference Service; Bibliotherapy; Hospital Library

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