Sely Yoanda (Alumni Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Universitas YASRI Jakarta, Indonesia)
Nita Ismayati (Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Perpustakaan Universitas YASRI Jakarta)


Hospital library has the role of provide information services to the community in those area, including patients. The aims of the research are (1) to know what types of services provided by the Library of the General Hospital Centers Fatmawati; (2) to know whether there is bibliotherapy service given to children cancer patients  (3) to know the role of the Fatmawati Hosptital Library in bibliotherapy service. The kind of research is quantitative with experiment methods. Respondents were children cancer patients and  their parents. Technique of sampling  is accidental sample. Instrument data by observation, interview, and questionnaire. Research analysis using analysis of Miles and Huberman by data reduction, data display,  and  conclusing drawing. The result of the research are (1) services provided the Library of the General Hospital Centers Fatmawati are service of reading  in place, registration members, circulation, and search collection; (2) Children cancer patient got of  bibliotherapy service from the external organization such as Yayasan Onkologi Anak Indonesia (YOAI), Yayasan Kasih Anak Kanker Indonesia (YKAKI), Mc Donald, and Yayasan Kalista 3)  Fatmawati Hospital Library has no services of  bibliotherapy yet to children cancer patient causes lack of competent human resources, no program of  bibliotherapy service, and limited of facilities. However, the Fatmawati Hospital as the main organization of library has been working with YKAKI  in the implementation of bibliotherapy service for children cancer patient.


hospital library; bibliotherapy; children cancer patients; Fatmawati Hospital

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