Aflahuddin Pulungan (, Indonesia)


This research is motivated by the fact that there are still many students in class VIII MTs Preparation of Negeri Bintang Sembilan Sibabangun Tapanuli Tengah who have not understood and understood about the material of alajabar which resulted in the lack of students' reasoning so that the impact on student learning outcomes on algebra topic material.

The purpose of this study are: to determine the significant effect of Numerical Ability Students Against Topic Algebra class VIII MTS preparations Negeri Sembilan Sibabangun Negeri. Tapanuli Tengah.

This research is a quantitative research universal. The total population in this research is 91 students. Sampling was done in a way as a whole with a sample of 91 students. To obtain this research data using test instrument. As for hypothesis testing by using correlation analysis (product moment and spearman rank), simple linear regression tdan test using SPSS Statistic V.21.

Based on the research results can be seen that: there is no significant influence between the numerical ability of students (X) on the topic of algebra (Y). Where the results of product moment correlation analysis with SPSS resulted in correlation coefficient of 0.859, while the rtabel value of 0.207. This shows that rhitung> rtabel. As for the significance of the calculation of t test obtained for t count> ttable, namely 51.036> 1.9863. And for regression equation obtained Y = 12,737 + 0,275X. The regression equation of Y over X indicates that the low average score of algebra topic (Y) of 34.10 does not affect the score of students numerical ability (X) of 77.8. It shows that there is no effect of X to Y. As for F test, the result is 984,836 with Ftable equal to 1,698495, it can be concluded that Fcount> Ftable = 984,836> 1,698495. This means there is a Significant Influence Between Student Nmerik Ability on Learning Outcomes Algebra Topics in Class VIII MTs Pesiapan Negeri Bintang Sembilan Sibabangun.


Kata kunci: Kemampuan Numerik,Topik Aljabar.

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Tadris Matematika FTIK UIN Syekh Ali Hasan Ahmad Addary Padangsidimpuan

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